Originally Posted by EmilyB
The point is, as we become more educated, we just know some choices are better than others. Simply put, we know more now. And THANK DOG for that...
Ask not what your dog can do for you... but what you can do for your dog

... hahaha okay, that was lame of me, but whatever.
I think all pet owners make mistakes, as do ALL breeders. But the difference is between the ones that learn from their mistakes and the ones that keep making those mistakes...
BTW: I'll take my lazy butt sink-lovin fat "inferior" kitty over a "superior" dog any day

My cats don't jump up on the counters, they don't jump onto the stove, though my lazy cat did like sleeping on top of my cupboards at one time... Heck, my cats even knows what it means when I tell them to "get over here" and they're just like dogs with their tails between their legs and those pitiful eyes staring at me.