CadLights 39G Signature
On Feb 4th I put in my order for a CadLights 39G Signature series plus cabinet. This is an all-in-one made in Brooklyn NY.
Since I have reaped a lot of benefits from others posting their tank builds and journals I will reciprocate in my own way by tracking my build here.
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On Feb 20th the two packages were picked up by UPS. I have been provided with two tracking numbers. Both tracking numbers show the packages being picked up on Feb 20th. One package shows it leaving the UPS depot in New Jersey on Feb 22. It also shows that the final destination is Summerland. The 2nd package does not show leaving New Jersey or the ultimate destination.
Those of you experienced with UPS tracking - Is the web tracking reliable and meaningful? Or should I just await the phone call when it comes across the border?