Well, according to most "certified" beeders I was a puppy mill. There seems to be a lot of resentment between "backyard" breeders and CKC breeders.
But, the last time I was at a CKC breeder, they had multiple dogs, and did breed the dogs for the MONEY. However I have also seen a real "puppy mill". There were 10 dogs being bred and cross bred. the puppy's we fed the minimal amount of food to keep them alive, ya know, to cut costs down.
Outside of papers, what is all that different between puppy mills and registered breeders --- intent and love for the animals. The puppies we bred always had enough food and attention that they were not aggressive.
The mother of our pups did come "rescued" from a mill. She always fought over food (when there is not enough, dogs will fight over it).
The only reason we stopped selling to the pet store is that with Chihuahua's there is quite a selection of owners to pick from (one has a little helmet and leather jacket to ride on her Harley with her).
There was responsible genetic/family tree selection involved with breeding, almost all the owners we sold to are aware of who in this city are "family" and who not to breed with. However, we routinely run into people that ask to breed with the male that we had (passed away now), without asking about family history. They even seem to get upset when we tell them that they really should not breed bother and sister together.
We bred because raising puppies is an enjoyable hobby, after 5 batches the mother "retired".
With all that said, once you have actually SEEN a puppy mill you will be much more careful about what you call one. They are a disturbing sight, and yes there is places that have stacks of cages with dogs that are allowed out only to breed, and the food is in short supply. Compared to this, I would NEVER call your average backyard breeder a puppy mill.
BTW, usually puppy mills will bring the dogs away from "home" to show them, because if you see where they are raised, not only would you not buy from them, but call the SPCA as well. Always ask to see the dogs and the parents as well when buying a dog.
And "certified" breeders calling backyard breeders "puppy mills" is just propaganda to keep their prices and profit up. How is that intent any different than the puppy mills other than a piece of paper.
The bottom line is that puppy mills are in fact rare. Stores will not by from them, most people will not either without some scam (having the dogs at a different house to show, bringing the dogs to you, etc.) The way to stop them is pretty much what we all do -- stop buying from them.
And the main point I was trying to make is that OWNERS sometimes treat their pets no better than the mills. That is why we stopped selling to the stores. Not because the stores we behaving badly, but because they really are unable to "screen" those that buy.
Last edited by wolf_bluejay; 02-23-2008 at 08:51 PM.