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Old 02-23-2008, 08:11 PM
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Patrick1 Patrick1 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: calgary
Posts: 109
Patrick1 is on a distinguished road

I just returned from a trip in Mexico. I also looked very hard at properties as an investment. I met with some people and looked at a couple of villas. I was with another group who are now involved in buying one of the villas I looked at. I honeslty expected the prices to be much higher. The villa we were staying at was.

It sold earlier in the year for just over 800,000 us. It is booked solid and rents at 7000 - 8000 now per week. I looked at a smaller unit in the same community and I would advise making sure it highly desirable to renters.(meaning each room has it's own bathroom etc). One key if your looking at larger places is to make sure you employ a good house keeper. They run about 800 us a month to employ. It helps to protect the house or condo from people moving in and taking over. (thats a real law). I also employ a staff member from mexico whos parents are in realistate in cancun.

Make sure your property is close to the airport and has beach access. I found the condos to be way over priced compared to a villa.

If you have any questions let me know.
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