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Old 02-23-2008, 05:03 PM
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Default ok now

Now I have done my research, years of it.
We need to be very careful of the words we choose!
This is an intresting thread. I would like to point out a few things though. When you use the term "puppy mill" you are enpowering a movement of animal rights activists that are lobbying (to be political) for the complete liberation of animals. They made up the term! No more animals of any type in any sort of way are to be kept by humans. No more hamburgers, no more medical advancment, no more guide dogs for the blind, no more puppies in the window, no more FISH, no more CORAL. Everytime you use that term as a way of defining a sub standard breeding facility you are helping to support their mandate.

I would also like to touch on another point quickly. Everyone seems so eager to support the Humane Society (S.P.C.A) As I do as well and I would agree that it is better to have them then not, however the SPCA works with the AFAC (Alberta Farm Animal Care), in an effort with ALPS (Alberta Livestock Protection System) in an effort to HELP feed lots and factory farms in Alberta reconize the importance of husbandry of the animals. Hypocritical? The very idea that they can be associated with this type of industry and yet be looked at as a moral staring point for animal rights folks just blows my mind!

Anyway I am new here and there is tons of cool things in here! Great job!