Originally Posted by Ephraim
Well wolf, according to Emily, you are a puppy mill. Congrats 
I'm pretty sure that after 6 pages of this, you STILL haven't read all the words. Please stop putting words in other people's mouths. I've just read all the posts again, and nowhere does EmilyB say that wolf is a puppy mill.
IMO Wolf is, or was at that time, an inexperienced hobbyist breeder that has since determined that selling pups to the pet store is not a great idea. Whether he does any genetic screening isn't mentioned, or if this is required with these dogs. In time, he may end up being a reputable breeder. Or may not. Time determines this.
Until then, stop telling people what YOU think EmilyB is thinking. So far you're wrong in most instances. And I know Emily, if she wants to say something about wolf, she'll do it herself!