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Old 02-22-2008, 07:27 PM
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Originally Posted by iansfishy View Post
I dont charge anything for the dogs, but if the pups dont work out for the ranchers, (because they are too timid or as we say not "cowy" enough they are brought back to me and i have to take these dogs to the local livestock feed sales store so they can sell them.( not a pet store) Its that or i would have twenty dogs! I dont breed becuse i think its fun or becuase im too cheap to get my dogs fixed 90% of the pups are very, very useful, and are having great lives doing what they are bred and raised to do. there is nothing better then seeing a dog doing what it loves. which is what a lot of people forget. before getting a dog for looks, think about its suitability in your life and how your lifestyle is going to affect the dog. Now my question for those "backyard breeders" dissaprovers - am i running a puppy mill? because im not a certified breeder.
As I noted before a true puppy mill stacks the dogs (10-30 dogs, usually small cute popular breeds) in cages on top of one another only letting the dogs out from the cage to breed. They also charge lots of $$$ for their dogs and they like to tell people they can cross breed whatever type of dog you want so you can get that certain look your after. I know this for a fact because we've rescued dogs from places like this.

Since it sounds like you are not doing this then I would say no you are not running a puppy mill, probably no were near it.

Maybe I'm confused but IMO there is nothing wrong with breeding dogs backyard or certified if #1 you are doing it for the right reasons #2 you are trying to find proper homes for them, and (most importantly) #3 you are taking good care of the dogs you are breeding. Good care to me means: if they are in kennels/dog runs you take them for walks/let them run around in a backyard/feild, brush them, play with them, give them water and food, and let the dogs know they are loved.

When someone is breeding animals just to make money, they don't care who the animal goes home with as long as they get paid, and they keep the dog in inhumane conditions, that's when I have a big problem with it.

I would also like to say that if you have a boy dog who isn't fixed and you let him run around impregnating others then take no responsibillity for the puppies, get your dog neutered. If you have a girl dog and she comes home pregnant and you don't want to deal with the puppies PLEASE don't take the puppies out back and shoot them in the head one by one (yes this happens, sometimes we make it out to recuse the puppies before it does, and sometimes we don't ) just spay your dog, and you wont have to worry about it.
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie

Last edited by fishoholic; 02-22-2008 at 07:30 PM.