To give you a little more info, my salinity is a 1.023. I have not been dosing anything for quite a while now, although I did up until about 7 months ago using Reef Complete. I have mostly softies, but a few SPS as well. I also have a reasonably decent Bio-load with 10 fish in a 70 Gallon tank. I don't have an RO/DI myself, I purchase RO water from a local vendor (same stuff I drink). I don't use any tap water and have not used any in 2 years. I don't have a lot of new coraline algae growth, but my rocks are nicely purpled up from the last few years.
Any other suggestions?
Originally Posted by untamed
How's your salinity? Maybe you've gotten over-concentrated. You do have an unusual problem, to be sure. You are not dosing anything to supplement Ca/Alk, yet your Ca/Alk is RISING. That suggests that you have nothing in the tank that would use up Ca/Alk. Even a normal growth of coraline aglae would eventually use up Ca/Alk in a tank if there were no supplementation.
Do you happen to have a very clean, fish-only system? I'm baffled by that one.