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Old 02-22-2008, 04:56 AM
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Originally Posted by BC564 View Post
and if you dont have a reactor? Just wait it out?
Yes...or add slightly less of whatever balanced supplement you are adding. Natural usage in the tank will bring the levels down if you don't supplement.

Originally Posted by scumchug View Post
For what its worth, My target for calcium is 500. I don't see a problem?
Yes, that's why I thought it was debatable as whether he has a problem that needs fixing...or not. Although his problem may not be so much that the Ca is too might just be that the Alk is too low to be "balanced" with a Ca that is that high. Even that is debatable.

Originally Posted by mseepman View Post
I too have the problem of ALK and CAL being too high. I use AquaCraft Biosea and out of the bucket, I get ALK levels of 7 and CAL levels of 450 very consistantly between bags. Somehow over the last 3 months, my tank has crept up to ALK of 9-10 and CAL of 500. I use both Salifert and Hagen test kits with similar results. I don't have a reactor and I don't dose for Calcium or ALK.

Any suggestions would be great.
How's your salinity? Maybe you've gotten over-concentrated. You do have an unusual problem, to be sure. You are not dosing anything to supplement Ca/Alk, yet your Ca/Alk is RISING. That suggests that you have nothing in the tank that would use up Ca/Alk. Even a normal growth of coraline aglae would eventually use up Ca/Alk in a tank if there were no supplementation.

Do you happen to have a very clean, fish-only system? I'm baffled by that one.
400 gal reef. Established April, 2007. 3 Sequence Dart, RM12-4 skimmer, 2 x OM4Ways, Yellow Tang, Maroon Clown (pair), Blonde Naso Tang, Vlamingi Tang, Foxface Rabbit, Unicorn Tang, 2 Pakistani Butterflies and a few coral gobies

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