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Old 02-21-2008, 11:05 PM
dsaundry dsaundry is offline
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dsaundry is on a distinguished road
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I am at work..One of the perks when you rin your own business..
I hope you understand I am not trying to support any large company like "petland" or a variety of other ones that are out there. But you have to admit its been a fun thread..great reactions,,wish people would get this riled up over other things sometimes. I am not trying to act "stupid" or "dumb" I am well aware where these animals come from for the most part. Proving it can be very difficult sometimes. Just so you know there are breeders that will sell to some pet stores..reputable?? Maybe not, sometimes it is just a case of Mr Smiths Cocker Spaniel jumping a fence and having his way with Mrs Jones Poodle. What do they do with the puppies? Lets not forget the old farm solution sometimes, put them in a sack and throw them in a river. Most people sell them privately or will take them to a pet store. I know it isn't right but what is the solution for these animals? I have seen quite a few mixed breeds for sale in some pet stores,{not the big ones} they are not in cages or walking on wire mesh floors.They are in proper stalls which are clean and well cared for, so what do you do there? In most cases a mixed breed dog is a hardier animal than a purebred. I have had several dogs, purebreds and mixed. Loved them all. I have never had the misfortune of having a dog with genetic issues or serious health issues. Maybe I have been lucky or as I like to believe careful about where and what I buy. I knew Quebec had a reputation but not as a "Mill" capital. I always thought the biggest fault with Quebec was their football and hockey team.. By the way the dog I had with 3 legs {lost his leg in a car accident}lived until he was 12 and was a fantastic dog.