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Old 02-21-2008, 10:26 PM
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Default CAl and alk levels

WTH, Well I tested my Levels and my ALk is 9.0 DKH , which is great IMO. Now my Cal is 490PPM. What the heck is up with that.

I have a Kalk Reactor that is dosing a drip every 5 seonds. Now in my tank I have 7 clams,1 maxima clam, 3 derasa's 3 crocea's a have a small colony of sps that is 5x5 about there, and a frag that is 3x3 and I have some lps's in the tank, open brain, bubble coral, well you get the picture. I hooked up a Sulphur reactor and and have been watching it to seed. so My nitrates are about 40 in that range, so I wanted to get the nitrates down the natural way and ended up doing a 15 gal water change in my tank total water volume is about 140 gal. I use IO salt and I know that the CAL level in the salt is 390 ppm and ALk is about 8 something. SO my Question is.............................

180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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