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Old 02-21-2008, 10:08 PM
dsaundry dsaundry is offline
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Default Hmm

It seems to me that this thread is going the wrong way.
What do you think about seeing a three legged pup for sale ?

I have reported them to the Humane Society. I just hope they will finally be shut down.
It was stated that someone wanted to know what was thought about selling a three legged dog.

Now I am not trying to argue with all of the statements. I have agreed that "puppy mills" are horrible and should not be allowed to operate. I also stated that I support anybody who can prove that this is where they come from. I know you may not have a video showing this but it is still required to show proof of this. She has written a letter to the Humane Society..Great Has she written a letter to the head office of the pet store? Has she contacted anybody else in the company to voice a complaint with them and what has been their response? We are all very quick to make desicions sometimes without knowing all the facts. This includes surfing the net and basing our opinions on what is on the monitor. I agree that most dogs should be bought from reputable breeders, if you are going for a purebred dog. There isn't one breeder I have seen on either the CKC or the AKC that breeds mixbreed dogs. I have seen many of these dogs in shelters and in the local papers and in pet stores. Where do you draw the line. Do you pass a law stating that all purebred dogs come from breeders only? Do you prosecute anybody who sells a dog privately and is not registered with a kennel club?
My family has been in the legal field for many years and I have seen all kinds of things good+bad with the way our legal system is. Do you all remember the football player who was charged with breeding dogs for fighting and if they didnt perform he killed them. Do you all remeber the parrots somebody tried to smuggle across the border in a suitcase and 75% of the bird were dead. What about the illegal smuggling of fish and corals that are harvested and brought in the country every year. How do you guarantee the fish you bought is legal? 100% legal...It was pointed out to me by a friend who stated that if you walked into a room and saw a person holding a smoking gun and a body on the floor do you assume that he is guilty of murder? Most people jump to that conclussion. However it could have many possibilties. The shooting could have been self defence, the gun could have gone off accidently, it could be premeditated murder, amongst a few other possible things as well. I will not jump to any conclussion until I have all the facts. All breeders are not good and all pet stores are not bad. So EmilyB I hope you do shut this place down if it is doing what you say it is. Reef raf I hope you understand I read a lot of articles on the internet as well, I currently own 2 dogs and 2 cats who are very much a part of the family. As for a money back guarantee from your breeder for any genetic defects...not all breeders offer that type of clause in a bill of sale. I dont support any of these large franchise pet stores but I do have to take a bit of the Devil's advocate role here because I have run into good and bad in all walks of life. We Canadians seem to be very apethetic sometimes when it comes to letting corporations run business's like they own the world. But really folks, when was the last time you wrote or gathered a letter of complaint or a petition and sent it to your local MLA. When was the last time anybody said I wont drive my car to work because the oil companies are ripping us off. You get the idea. If the majority of the people in this country united against these industries you might see something done. Same thing with tax's too... bottom line is that if you started a petition and educated the people on all their policies do you think that "*edit* would change?? Now for the forgotten issue. If a qualified vet checks out the three legged dog and he is healthy..I would buy him.

Last edited by christyf5; 02-21-2008 at 10:46 PM.