Originally Posted by dsaundry
What is your proof that they support "Puppy Mills"? Simple question..maybe not a simple answer.
Yup, pretty simple answer. Reputable breeders of dogs DO NOT sell their puppies to pet stores. Pet stores DO NOT pay the price charged by reputable breeders. What is left is discount high volume breeding kennels, commonly referred to as puppy mills, because they can pump out the dogs at wholesale prices. The other source of pups for the retail stores comes from the private backyard breeder who either can't sell privately or doesn't want to take th etime to find suitable homes for the pups they may or may not have planned on.
Neither of these sources are good sources for a quality dog. Not gauranteed to get a "bad" dog, but certainly not gauranteed to be a good dog. Example. My parents bought a dog from the pet store that (eventually) was confirmed to have come from a "mill" at 5 months of age, it's heart exploded. The dog died in my dad's arms. The pet store stated that it was not the only dog from that litter that died of heart problems. Parents out one dog.
A reputable breeder would have worked hard at avoiding this ever being intorduced into their breeding line, and should something like this have happened, their would have been a gaurantee to either replace the dog or refund the purchase price.
So yes, although we may not have video footage of the dark alley puppy transaction, we can be well assured that "most" dogs from a pet store did not come from a reputable breeder.