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Old 02-21-2008, 07:19 PM
dsaundry dsaundry is offline
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Default Still no answer

Well I have watched this thread with interest and my question to Emily still hasnt been answered. What proof do you have that this store supports "puppy mills"? I dont care whether you drove to Mexico to buy a dog, the thread you started states that this store?? supports "puppy mills" I am neither affiliated with this or any pet store but if you are going to accuse a company of this, you better back it up with facts. Whether it is someone smuggling parrots, or fish, or whatever, the accusation has been made by you. So what proof do you have? Have you seen this "mill"? I would stand behind you 100% if you actually have some proof and not hearsay from a disgruntled employee. Is this employee willing to swear about what he has actually seen? If you don't agree that dogs should be sold in pet stores, then what about other animals? Cats?? Ferrets?? Hamsters?? Reptiles?? even Fish?? it boils down to the type of care that both the pet store provides to the animal. I don't deny there are pet stores I would like to see crumble to the ground, but there are still a select few that actually provide good care to all their animals. Maybe not many, but there are a few. So my question which you have still not answered remains. What is your proof that they support "Puppy Mills"? Simple question..maybe not a simple answer.

Last edited by christyf5; 02-21-2008 at 10:39 PM.