The one question I asked and you have still not answered is how do you know that this dog is from a "puppy mill"? If you do report this to the authorities, the first question they will ask is what proof you have. "Gut" instinct isn't enough. You have said in your previous posts that another member should do his research. Have you done yours? I am very familiar with the deplorable condition that dogs{amongst other animals} are kept in when they are in these inhumane breeding factories. My question still stands. What proof do you have that this animal is from a "puppy mill"? If it is indeed from a "mill" then the pet store in question and the "mill" operators should face the concequences. I have worked with both the S.P.C.A. and law enforcement officers and have seen some horrible situations regarding animals. I have also seen reputable breeders been put under the microscope due to an uninformed opinion. I am talking about breeders who go above and beyond when it come to the care of their animals. If you are going to proceed with your charges against this "Store" then make sure you have all your facts and document all your evidence against them so they can face charges. I am not against you on your quest for humane treatment of animals, I am concerned that you may not have the "evidence" that you need to charge these people.