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Old 02-21-2008, 06:04 AM
dsaundry dsaundry is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Chilliwack
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dsaundry is on a distinguished road
Default 3 legs

I had a dog with three legs a number of years ago. He was a great dog, full of life and a good and loyal friend. I don't know about this dog but I wouldn't have traded my dog for anything. I don't support puppy mills so I am assuming you have confirmed this? But if you are condemming an animal due to a physical flaw I would not agree with that. Humans can be born without arms or legs but they can still function and lead a reasonably healthy and happy life. I know there are problems but I have been fortunate to see some amazing things acomplished by animals and humans with physical defects. My only questions to you are...Has the dog been checked by a vet and confirmed whether it is in good health? Have you confirmed it has come from a "puppy mill"? What would you suggest they do with the dog?

Not judging anything or anyone..just my opinion.