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Old 02-20-2008, 11:37 PM
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sharuq1 sharuq1 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Red Deer, Alberta
Posts: 868
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PC's are also much more expensive to replace, and you have to replace them every 6 months, whereas t5's cost less and last longer (people have said anywhere from 8 months to 24 months, but I would stick with 8 months imho). t5's are more around the 20 or so dollar range and pc's in the 50 dollar range.

An example in my own personal experience is that I have grown softies, as well as monti digi and birdsnest (which are some of the easier sps), stylophora (just starting to color up again after a partial bleach) and have a gbta as well under my pc lighting in my 48g bow. Why would I want to change my lighting to t5 (and I would like to)
-bulbs last longer
-bulbs cost less
-more light output
-better reflectors
-cooler running, which means cooler tank (then I would not need to run a fan every time my 10ks come on)
-looks nice
-don't have to have the fixture right on my tank to get the penetration I need...which would also keep it cooler in the tank
-sps does not have to be as high on the rockwork to live and color up nicely as it would under pc's
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