Hay I have for ALL ICH victims.
I have been a victim of this parasite, I've lost 3 Tang's 1 Cow and a few other fish not to mention hundreds of dollars to infected fish.
I was this close to getting out and selling my Reef tank.
But I took one last shot at it. Taking advice from other's I have come up with a system and found a product that is fail safe.
I don't even worry if a new fish has ICH or not. I just throw it in the tank with 2 cap's of "Stop Parasite" and in 3 days it's gone and my existing fish never get it form the new-B.
-So here it is, the end of Ich in your tank.....
1.) First thing you need to Order "Stop Parasite" from Chem-Marin.
2.) When you have the fish at home and still in the bag/Or an existing infected fish out of the tank, I prepare a cold-water-dip station. (RO water in a bowl/bucket.) "bring temperature up to 72C", put infected fish in the fresh water for 1-3min's no more than 3 minutes (this depends on the size of fish and the stress-movement of the fish.).
3.) Then extract the fish out of the dip container and put into another container containing your Tank water. This is the rinse stage and is only needed for a few seconds.
4.) Now you can put the fish in your main tank. I suggest you have your lights off or just the blue light on if possible. (Less stress on the new-B fish)
5.) NOW ADD the 2 cap's per 30g's twice a day for 5 days. (e.g.. 4 cap's in a 60g tank. 4 in the morning and 4 in the evening.)
6.) I add 2 cap's twice a day for an extra 3 days, and then just 2 cap's per day till my next water change.
I keep a bottle in the fridge and add it in if the fish look like they are wounded, or not eating as it speed up appetite and builds the immune system. It will not harm the internal organs of the fish, or harm the other inhabitants of a Reef tank.
One thing I noticed is I had to feed the tank more as they were eating up a storm.
I have not lost a fish to ICH since and I don't even worry about it when buying a new fish.
it's a no issue to me now.
(Another tip is to keep your tank at a higher temperature 80C and low salinity.) (Not recomended for coral tanks)
-see link-
Good luck.