Originally Posted by imisky
im at this moment trying to figure out how to get my Ca Reactors Ph to 6.5 range as it is constantly at 6.9~7.3 range. also how fast should the effluent be comming out of the Ca reactor. thanks guys.
with a small tank like that doing a 5-10 gal water change will make a huge impact on your CAL and Alk levels. but if you are really wanting a Reactor. you need to get your chamber down to about 6.5- 6.7 unless you ahve a second chamber then the first chamber will be 6.5 and the second chamber will be having a ph of 7.0. first thing you need to do is see how much you are demanding for CAL and ALk from 1 day to the second day. then what you need to do is start off with a slow drip like its almost at a stream but not a stream. then have your bubbles coming out if the counter for about 30 bubble per minute. the best way is to run the bubbles at 20-25 per min and then test the Ph then if its not enough turn up the bubbles. HTH
slow is good remember other then that well done on the build love the way it looks
you could alway use 2 part for your tank since its not alot of water volume. you wouldnt use very much 2 part either. or Try dripping kalk at night that could be another way to supplement your CAL and ALk needs