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Old 02-18-2008, 09:33 PM
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richtg richtg is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Calgary
Posts: 123
richtg is on a distinguished road

Bow Valley sells tons of tanks, and I think most of them (mine included) has the sides and ends resting on the bottom piece. If you have an adequately strong and level stand with a piece of foam inbetween, you should be fine. I would go as thick as possible on the bottom piece if drilling holes and non-tempered, though...

I had a 33 gal freshie tank bust open once upstairs and would go to EXTREME lengths to prevent such an occurence...especially with a big reef.
90gal Starfire mixed reef, 400W MH (Giesemann 13K megachrome/Icecap E-ballast), (2) 54W T5 Giesemann true actinic, 45gal sump (65W 50/50 PC), ASM G-3 Skimmer, Mak 4 return, Sequence Dart closed loop, foam backdrop, 120 lbs LR, 2" sandbed, & 1 dillhole running the show.
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