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Old 02-18-2008, 05:46 PM
i2ik i2ik is offline
Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: montreal
Posts: 66
i2ik is on a distinguished road

Piaa, I Love your tank!!! I see that you are also having some softies. Is it food for the angels or they are not touching at them? I love your burgees butterfly, i was looking on adding on in my tank and a few angels. Any recommendation for people that would like to put some angels/butterflies in a reef tank? Thanks a lot and give us some more pictures of equipment and all!!!
Again, your tank is outstanding!
420G Front Starfire Glass Reef Tank, 150G Costum made Sump, Sifligoi 3x400W + ACLS Unit, 2xH&S A200-2x1260, Schuran Jetstream 2 Ca reactor, 4xVortech pump, 3xBattery Back Up, 4xWavy Sea+, Prolifux Wireless Controlleur, Oceans Motions 4 Ways, Seachem Pinnacle 200GPD RO/Di
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