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Old 02-17-2008, 08:16 PM
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TNTCanada TNTCanada is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Victoria
Posts: 297
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Foam pre filters can be very efficient for trapping particles in the water cullum but they need to be cleaned very regularly as they will trap all the nasty stuff and start decomposing creating Ammonia and then nitrates and nitrites.... as for carbon ...yes it can take some of the elements that you are wanting to keep in your tank... but with regular water changes you should be fine... but they all so have some good qualities.... I run carbon all the time as I have corals and corals can decide to have chemical warfare on each other... some can be very toxic... as well it does help with polishing your water to keep it crisp and clean and help with odors... depending on how much live rock you may have in your system and the BIO load in you tank will depend on what you may need if you have a very small BIO load you may not need to have a filter besides the live rock and water changes...

Just some thoughts
72g Bowfront Drilled,Lighting,2x250 10,000k MH,2 actinic T5,2/6" fans,2MJ with 1600gph convertions kits,Bullet 2 style skimmer with Mak 4,29g sump/Refugium,96W power compacts in sump, Velocity T4 Titanium "return",Life Guard 300 Fluidize bed filter,1"sand bed, 29g auto top off, 140lb LR,SPS,LPS,Softies,Zoos,2Percula Clowns, 2yellow tail Damsels,1yellow tang,2cleaner shrimp, 1six line Wrass,2 Bengaii Cardinal,1lawnmower Blenny,1sand sifting star,1TigerTailCucumber, snails,hermit crabs,Macros.
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