Chevy-listen to the people on this one!
It sounds like you have added quite a large amount of goodies to such a juvinile system, IMO our reef tanks are like natural reefs, they need to mature and seed slowly in order to become balenced eco systems. Which means if you add too much too fast your tank may fail or at the very least run into all types of problems with parameters in water quality and such.
Also remember that an anemone is usually much larger than a single fish so if it dies due to inexperience your not loosing a single fish, instead it's like loosing a mini school of fishes which can in turn crash your entire tank if it dies through starvation, lack of proper lighting, or being sucked up through a pump to name just a few examples.
So my advice would be, wait a while at least six months, then if you still want a clown or two and a host, read a book or some online articles on anemones and how to care for them properly.