Thread: Odd fish death
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Old 02-17-2008, 01:00 AM
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Ok so it just keeps getting better. I've now noticed what appears to be ick on one of my tangs I originally thought she just had sand stuck to her because I noticed the odd spot on her every now and then shorty after we moved all of our fish into the 230g. I don't think any of the new fish we've added gave it to her because I noticed the 1st few spots on her long before any of the new fish were added.

I also just fed the tank and the last anthias that is swimming around in the open (one might be hiding) is no longer eating!!!!!!!

Oh ya I also just found my scooter blenny in the sump! I guess he thought it'd be great to take a ride down the overflow! Thankfully he's ok and is now back in the main tank. Needless to say it's not a great day for fish at my house
One more fish should be ok?, right!!! - Laurie

Last edited by fishoholic; 02-17-2008 at 01:05 AM.
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