Originally Posted by argan
IMHO That sounds like the reason to me, the paly fragging. According to everything I have read, toxins are tricky because they might not kill a fish right away.
But if they have long term exposure, or multiple fraggings happen, the toxins can build up and the fish cannot get rid of the toxins.
So the toxins just build up and with enough in their bodies, their organs would shut down. little fishy heart attacks.
Where were these fish ranked in terms of Size of all your fish, and how long had they been in your tanks?
The anthias are one of the smaller fish in our tank. We have some chromis and a green clown goby that are smaller and we have lots of tangs and some angel fish that are bigger. The anthias have been in the main tank for a little over a week (so that might have something to do with it too, although they did come from a reliable fish store) out of the 3 anthias that we had (which were all about the same size) one died, one's missing and one's alive and well.