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Old 02-13-2008, 08:38 PM
Starry Starry is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Lethbridge, AB
Posts: 619
Starry is on a distinguished road

LOL I only bought 10lbs.
Was sitting down with my tank lastnight, checking things out with a flashlight. I was looking for pods, worm and what not when into the beam of light comes these huge spiderlike legs. Now, I know what I put in my tank, and nothing I knew of had legs like this. So I'm thinking Mantis shrimp cause I cant see all of this thing, just legs. I call my wife downstairs and she holds the flashlight on it so if it bolts, I know where to look. I proceded to move all my rocks around, and when I get to the one its under, Im a little nervous to say the least as I really have no idea what it is. So I move the rock and here is this crab! I KINDA looks like an emerald crab, but with much thicker claws. Anyhow, its in a 10 gallon tank I use for ageing water. If you want it, lemme know as I dont really trust it.
180 custom starfire
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