Thread: WTS: Live Sand
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Old 02-13-2008, 06:52 PM
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Default Moving Sale

Originally Posted by ltay View Post
Moving sale: EVERYTHING must go THIS WEEKEND..... (Beautiful pics are attached)

MARINE SECTION: (please bring your own container or bags)
a) Live Rocks (1st priority) --> $4 per pound
b) Livestock (2nd) - selling cheap... 2 clowns (SOLD) ,1 blue tang (SOLD) & 1 yellow tang (SOLD), 1 foxface, 1 yellow blenny (SOLD) , 1 orange pipefish (SOLD) ,1 Purple dottyback, 1 fat mandarin (SOLD) , 1 half tone algae blenny (SOLD) ; sexy shrimps in seahorse tank (Live rocks need to go 1st)
c) LiveSand (3rd) (3 years old) - selling cheap..
d) 2 attached tanks with custom made pipings (only 3 years old) with 4 way channels (4th) -> $6500 (including base+ custom piping+2pumps+4 ways channels +refugium+UV piped together)
e) High-End Equipments in good conditions (5th) = Calcium reactor ; Salinity meter; Space light, Pendant light;protein skimmer (downdraft[prefer to sell with tank) or tunze (standalone);Refugium Lighting (clip on new model); Turbella flow with 4 way controller; Chiller ; Kalk Reactor..etc etc...

Corals left:
1. red ricordia with rock = $20
2. A large colony of Pink Zoo = $30
3. 3 smaller colony of hairy green mushrooms =$20
4. and some blue mushrooms on live rock = $20
5. and the live rocks with pink and yellow growth on it = $4 per pound

Seahorse tank + base ($500) is piped together as a complete unit.

Tank, Refugium , Sump total is around 300 gallons.

Prices : Recently purchased items will be halfed of the original price, older items will sell more than half the cost. I have no time to list and itemized all of them as you know... we are moving......

Keeping the CO2 canister... and the regulator ....

a) 72 gallon - $350 plus hood
b) 60 gallon Hex tank with plants (Pic not attached, out of space quota) = $500

Be quick: First Come First Serve while stocks last

Lower Mainland Pickup Only (Vancouver) : call 604 984 8194 (Larry /David)
p.s: I have too much items to list... sorry.. If you are interested, please give me a call.
I want to buy your blue tang and mandarin, thanks.
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