Thread: I NEED to TALK
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Old 02-13-2008, 01:37 AM
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fishyfolks fishyfolks is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: richmond bc
Posts: 48
fishyfolks is on a distinguished road

I absolutely agree, if they are shopping in your pet store, they must have pets, and if thay have pets they had better damn understand why you were too busy to help them or they dont deserve to have their animals at all! Don't feel at all bad. You did everything you could!
175 Gallon Tank, 33 Gallon Sump, 2 x AI COLOR SOL, Leather corals, colts corals, several brain corals, misc frogspawn, misc sps corals, purple tang, yellow tang, naso tang, hippo tang, 4 clown fish, 5 clams and many many inverts
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