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Old 02-12-2008, 02:02 AM
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Todd Todd is offline
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Location: Victoria
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Thanks for all of the great advice guys.

Fishoholic - Interesting I have always heard that it is the sailfin that is mean, and the yellow rather calm. I will take that into consideration, although as I may be moving this year (just within the city), I dont think that I will be adding anything more for awhile.

Chin and Skylord - Some of the peices that have broken off of the clip have been floating around, none of the fish seem to notice so far. Tying it to a rock on the bottom is a great idea! I will try this!

Naesco - I have a bare bottom and a large center overflow that is never cleaned, this is alot of glass space so it should be lots of space for algea growing. I was mainly concerned that this would not be adequate in terms of variance and quantity.
My Tank: 135G display, 45G Sump, 20G top off. 2 x 400 W, Bullet 1.5, Snapper Return, Profilux.
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