Originally Posted by justinl
i wont pretend to know what kind of nem that is, but what you said doesnt ring true. Ive seen clowns host anything from BTAs to mushrooms to powerheads.
Yep, many clowns will host just about anything, but when comes to actual anemones most species of clownfish will only host with a compatible species of anemone. For instance:
~ False Percula Clown (Amphiprion ocellaris)
Carpet anemone,
Ritteri (Maroon) anemone
Saddle anemone
Bubble anemone
~ Percula Clown (Amphiprion percula)
Carpet anemone,
Ritteri (Maroon) anemone
Saddle anemone
Bubble anemone
~ Sebae/Clarkii Clown (Amphiprion clarkii)
Sebae anemone
Long Tentacle anemone
Ritteri (Maroon) anemone
Carpet anemone
Saddle anemone
Bubble anemone
~ Tomato Clown (Amphiprion frenatus)
Bubble anemone
Long Tentacle anemone
Sebae anemone
~ Maroon Clown (Premnas biaculatus)
Ritteri (Maroon) anemone
Bubble anemone
Long Tentacle anemone
~ Pink Skunk Clown (Amphiprion perideraion)
Long Tentacle anemone
Sebae anemone
Ritteri (Maroon) anemone
Carpet anemone
Saddle anemone
Bubble anemone
Notice there are lots of overlaps.

There are also lots of anemones that are unlikely to host ANY clowns.
Sorry to take your thread off topic. I suck at IDing anemones, but maybe you should try to get an official ID on your anemone before writing him off completely...? Maybe he just needs more time...it could be worth it in the end.