Our tangs (salfin, regal, naso, yellow, lavender, and clown) are pigs they eat mysis, nori and pellets. The only tang that doesn't eat nori is our clown tang however, he is the newest to the tank so I think in time he will probably eat it too. It took a few weeks of modeling how to eat nori from my other tangs before my naso ate it.
I would add the salfin and the yellow at the same time or add the yellow second. I have a 8" salfin and 4" yellow tang in my tank. I had the salfin for a week before I got the yellow and every once in awhile (not often) my yellow will try to challenge my salfin for top spot, even though my salfin is twice his size. Everyone else is smart enough to leave my salfin alone. I will also note that everything I've read about clown tangs is mostly about how mean and vicious they are, however my yellow tang nips at his tail and chases him around at least twice a day, while my salfin ignores him. So I would say the yellow is a lot meaner then the salfin. Also when I bought my clown tang the lfs was only concerned about my yellow being mean to him and not the others, so I guess they have a bit of a bad rap. Sorry blab on but I hope it helps