Originally Posted by imisky
no one can share there moving experience with me?? 
Hold on fella lots of people can give you opinions, but at the end of the day if how you want to do it, I can give you a crap load of advice on how to do it or what not to do.
1. IME take it slow if you are going to swap over the tank. Give yourself at least 6 hours Minimum. If you can use fresh Salt water if you are doing a swap this will help id you have any nitrates or excess of phosphates.
2. Take your sand out if you have any and clean it this will help in taking any spike that you have in your water after moving the sand. Now this is for getting rid of the ammonia spike that you may have. Only do this if you have had the sand in the tank for quite some time, the bad thing is you are taking out all the little creatures in the sand that live in there. But you are stopping any spike in the water that will happen or arise.
3. Take your rock out and rinse it off this will help in taking out any crap that has been in the rocks and helps in keeping your rock clean. And if you have any Algae on the rocks clean it with a brush.
4. once your done take the time to aqua scap the rock the way you want it, and keep in mind that if you have any corals and fish put them in a tub while the move is going on with a power filter and heater. Having a light over it doesn’t really matter since you are going to have the light on the tank after you have this task completed.
5. Once you have the water in and heated climatize the fish and coral and add them to your tank. Clean up and there you go. Remember depending on your lights if you are upgrading your lights to a more powerful setup if you can raise your lights and lower the photo period to allow for the corals the time to get used to the new lights.
remember time is every thing, I have moved many tanks over and lost pretty much no corals or fish. Time your time when moving your fish and corals will love you...
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
You don't know as much as you think.
Last edited by Skimmerking; 02-11-2008 at 11:44 AM.