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Old 02-10-2008, 07:53 PM
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Default Kole Tang - feeding habits and compatibility

I recently had a kole tang picked up for me (Thanks RonD). A very nice individual, but I have never seen it eat nori, mystis, flake or cycolpeeze. It is healthy and active, and seems to have gotten over a small bout of ich that it had after the long trip from Vancouver to my tank. I have seen it grazing on the glass and LR, but never taken any of the food added to the tank (including the omnipresent Nori in a clip). Should I be concerned about this? I am worried that it may run low on stuff for grazing and then have a problem getting enough nutrients. My tank is a 135 with a fairly light fish load. My last Kole Tang (died in a power-outage when I was out of town ), loved the same nori that I am trying to get this guy to eat.

Also I was hoping to add two more tangs to my tank in the future. I would like to add a yellow tang, and a sailfin tang. I know that sailfins have been known to be a little mean, but they all have very different body shapes so I think they should be alright together. My tank is a lay-down 135 and currently has:

2 Maroon clowns,
3 Blue / green chromis
Kole Tang
6 Line Wrasse

Any suggestions of if these will be compatible in a 135 and the order of which I should add them?
My Tank: 135G display, 45G Sump, 20G top off. 2 x 400 W, Bullet 1.5, Snapper Return, Profilux.
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