CAn't make up my mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was thinking about doing Brackish too I really like the puffer's alot too. ANd I will be close to salt again. Man I feel like a women!!!!!

Can';t make up my mind.....
Anyways I evaporting around 5 gallons per week is that normal in the setup. Doug was telling me it is from the air mixing with the tank water, which causes the waer to evaporate. Is there a way that i can slow down the evaporation in the tank ...
P.S If i go salt the wife wont know abotu the fish in there so i could accidently pour in a couple buckets of salt ansd well i wouild want to waste it. ANd when she ask where are all the fish I say that they are on order

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: