Coralife 65
I just bought one of these on Ebay (New in the box.. hopefully arriving this week) for $75.00 and it's supposed to be quite slim on the back of the tank.
Not sure where it fares in the grand scheme of protein skimmers but as a newbie who's getting into this slowly I didn't want to fork out $500 for a megaskimmer!
Let us know what you decide on.
Brian P.
Kelowna BC
50 Gallon Tank (Running 2 months now) with a Fluval 305 and a Coralife 65 Skimmer en route.
1 clown, 1 Mandarin Goby, 4 crabs, a sexy shrimp, some mushrooms and an enemone for the Clownfish (which he doesn't seem to be taking to)