even if i did know, it would go against my morals concerning this hobby to tell you. Im sorry, but anything that can easily kill a full grown man in under twenty minutes just shouldnt be even considered in this hobby. tell me do you have kids? any curious pets or friends that come over regularly? just because you know the dangers, doesn't mean they do.
besides unless they are agitated and freaked out, they dont show the gorgeous electric blue rings... for the most part they are just a drab brown with a less than stellar rate of activity. and they have a pretty short lifespan to boot. Have you considered a bimac?
i dont usually shoot ideas down like this, but this particular animal really gets to me. dont get me wrong, i understand the alure; they really are stunning animals, but the risks FAR outweigh any benefit you might get. this is the kind of animal only experienced researchers and mama nature should be keeping.