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Old 01-31-2008, 09:46 PM
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Chad Chad is offline
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Default FS: All live stock

Hi, Selling what little livestock I have left now.

Fish Scribbled Rabbitfish 30$
Coral Beauty (not a nipper so far) 15$
Blue Damsel: free :-) (not aggressive in my tank)


Pencil? Urchin: 10$ OBO
Astrea Snails: 25 cents each ( unsure of numbers )
2x Rose BTA (both are attached to live rock, need to pay for the rock as well) 50$ ea OBO


zoo's (I will try to get pics) $10 ea
Blue rics: all on one rock, with multiple heads: 60$ OBO
Orange and Green Rics on one rock with mulitple heads 80$ OBO
Blastos; Brown rim green center multiple heads: 60$ OBO
Green with white (hard to describe): 60$ OBO
Candy Cane- two heads 5$ Hammer, 1 or 2 heads? 5$

Anything else you can find when you are at my place, 5$ OBO

Live Rock: sold after livestock is gone Lots of rock, no clue on origins any more.. some really nice shapes. Not a lot of purple algae on these. I only get the pink stuff.. I am thinking 4$ a lb... but negotiable.

Equipment to come after livestock sold.

Ok.. I have been out of the hobby for a while, so if my prices are out of wack, feel free to email me a price you feel is appropriate and we can go from there. So don't jump down my throat if its a bit high please, its sad enough I am having to sell. Pics are a bit hard to come by as I am extremely busy with moving, but if your unable to come and look without seeing a pic first, I will do my best.


Last edited by Chad; 01-31-2008 at 09:51 PM.
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