Originally Posted by VFX
I think there was only 2 or 3 SW places last time I was there.
I can still picture that Emperor Angel about 7 or 8 inches long stuffed into a bag barely 10 inches wide... I wanted to take him home there & then!
There's about 8-10 SW aquarium (and some FW/SW mix as well) last time i checked. I also don't recall any salt water fish kept in bags (maybe last time someone wanted an emperor and then backed out... ? ).
I mean ..if u actually head to the pier and see the amount of fish CRAMMED in the seafood display..then you know these guys have it relatively good
anyways ...
Near the end of the street (either north or south) there is a SW shop specializing in rarer end fish iirc... cuz all i saw was a large emperor and a bandit angel.