Howdy folks.
We're really looking forward to this meeting. It should be a great time. As Paul Hamby mentioned, if you'd like to pre-pay, you can send me a check for $10 US to:
Puget Sound Aquarium Society
1914 NE 80th St.
Seattle, WA 98115
attn: Paul Merkling
If you decide to go ahead and mail this in, please include your home street address, as well as your email address so I can add you to our mailing lists. Also, the meeting is less than 2 weeks away at this point, so I would request that you only mail dues this week. This will allow me time enough to process your dues and send you a membership card, which you'll be able to show at the door of the event to gain entry. If anyone has any questions, feel free to drop me a line. Hope to see you all there!
Paul Merkling
Treasurer, Membership Chairman, Newsletter Editor, Puget Sound Aquarium Society
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