01-24-2008, 10:30 PM
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 661
I like this game.
Sixty is: - In time, the number of seconds in a minute, and the number of minutes in an hour
- In geometry, the number of seconds in a minute, and the number of minutes in a degree
- 60 Minutes, a popular investigative television show
- “Sixty Minute Man” is a TV show starring Kenny Baumann
- The number of the European route E60 from Brest, France to Constanţa, Romania
- A common speed limit, in miles per hour, for freeways in many U.S. states
- A common speed limit, in kilometers per hour, in urban areas in Russia
- In years of marriage, the diamond wedding anniversary
- The maximum number of marbles (game pieces) in Chinese checkers
- The code for international direct dial calls to Malaysia
- The highest obtainable level on World of Warcraft (not including World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade)
- "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" is a TV show on NBC
- "Gone in Sixty Seconds" is a movie starring Nicholas Cage
- Miss Sixty is women's fashion apparel
- The total number of cards in the game Racko.