90gal Bowfront and livestock,rock.equip everything
1-90gal bow front reef ready
1-black stand
1-hood custom black with 6 T5 and blast built in
1-sump tank
1-EV180 simmer and pump
1-return pump
1-jager heater
1-phosban reactor
2-filter bags
2-mod 1200 maxi jets
other misc equip
1-Power blue tang lg
1-yellow tang lg
1-violin lion vlg
1-Niger trigger lg
1-regal tang(hippo)lg
2-clowns lg
2-domino damels
1-fire red urchin
1-cleaner shrimp
2-peppermint shrimp
1-black cucumber
1-serpant star
1-brittle star
1-tube aneome
1-left hand hermint in 3in shell big
lots of other snails hermitts
100+ pounds of live rock with corals on it
candy cane
star polips etc
whole thing including test kits,food,and chemicals and anything else I can dig out
all for $1600.firm good deal for all that. If no quick interest its going to my friend fish store so act quick.
Last edited by jwood; 01-24-2008 at 05:04 AM.