Thread: One sad story
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Old 01-23-2008, 09:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Rhodesia View Post
I agree with Canuckgod420, if we can't post our "opinion" here then whats the point. As for the reference to PETA, just because someone is a member of an organization dosn't mean they agree with all aspects of the organization. I agree with the PETA outlook as to not wearing fur, why kill an animal for somthing that can be made without killing an animal. On the other hand, I eat meat. Either way, the guy that was to lazy to keep his aquarium going is neglegent, in the same way that if you were to leave a dog tied up in the back yard and not feed it and it dies. If you have a pet, yes...Fish/Corals are pets too, they are living creatures. Make the time. Just my opinion.

OMG are you kidding me

It has nothing to do with not posting our opinions. It has to do with not acting like we were all born in a barn and that we were never taught any manners.And the ironic thing is that the people who showed there support for him were criticized for there"OPINION" But you guys are gripping about the same thing that we are all "picking" on you for your opinion. If you don't know him or the exact circumstances surrounding what happened then where does everyone get off posting downright mean and bashing things about it.Maybe someone passed away, maybe more or maybe less than that but do we really know.Nope we don't so show a little respect. And should he have to explain the circumstances in his life that lead to this. Nope he doesn't we should all just take it at face value that something has happened his tank crashed so hey lets get over it....And LEARN from it...Which was the reason for the posting in the first place.

Once again if you have nothing nice to say than don't say it at all.....

Last edited by findingnemo1; 01-23-2008 at 09:44 PM.