Thread: One sad story
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Old 01-23-2008, 08:57 PM
Rhodesia Rhodesia is offline
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Rhodesia is on a distinguished road

I agree with Canuckgod420, if we can't post our "opinion" here then whats the point. As for the reference to PETA, just because someone is a member of an organization dosn't mean they agree with all aspects of the organization. I agree with the PETA outlook as to not wearing fur, why kill an animal for somthing that can be made without killing an animal. On the other hand, I eat meat. Either way, the guy that was to lazy to keep his aquarium going is neglegent, in the same way that if you were to leave a dog tied up in the back yard and not feed it and it dies. If you have a pet, yes...Fish/Corals are pets too, they are living creatures. Make the time. Just my opinion.