TANK STAND - 48" pine stand with front doors, porcelain knobs and side towel hangers. Shelves under left side, open for sump on right side. Top has been finished with pine & top grade linoleum. Looks very nice!! Made for 200 gal. but fits any 4' tank. $150.
PUMPS - 2 Seio 820 Superflow (new $150 for both) plus an almost new MaxiJet 1200 ($27). Will sell all three together for $75.
TIMER - day/night/wavemaker timer (altog.cost $125), sell for $65
UV STERILIZER - new, $100+, comes with pump $65
MISC.- 2 lg. cleaning magnets,
If you are interested in anything list here, give me a call at 403-722-3544