Thread: One sad story
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Old 01-23-2008, 03:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Canuckgod420 View Post
Its funny....the wife and I where discussing if this reply was a good idea or not...
I(we) just find it rather silly that everyone is so quick to OFFER sympathy(never did I state he was seeking sympathy) and new livestock to someone who openly admitted his neglect was the cause of such a loss in didnt feed my cat for 3 weeks...he died, anyone have a kitten for sale?
Didnt think so.
I guess my point of all this is...if for some reason you are unable to care for your animals...there is always a fellow reefer out there willing to take things off your hands so no life is lost....Am I wrong?
If you don't know all the facts maybe keeping your mouth shut would be the better thing to do. I hardly think that slacking on water changes would cause such a catastrophic loss to his tank. Neglect to your tank would be not feeding, never turning lights on (I know most people use timers.) etc etc. Water changes do not fall in that category IMHO. You may also not know that Russ has been struggling with his tank since he moved to a new place umpteen months ago. He has always suspected that the water source could be the problem, so more water changes could or may have caused his tank to fail earlier.

And as for the PETA comment, who cares. This is just another charity in which you give them money and someone down the pipeline gets rich. You may feel warm and fuzzy inside about what you have done. In reality your probably just paying for some celebrity to show up at some stupid gala thingy for publicity. If you really want to help the animals go volunteer at your local animal shelter.