Thread: One sad story
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Old 01-23-2008, 02:26 PM
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Originally Posted by rusty View Post
I agree PETA Hates people. First off I don't need peoples pity. Second Yes I was trying to give people a reminder to take care of thier tank and do the proper mateinance. And finally I would like to offer an apology to Myka and Canunkgod420 I am sorry That I am not as perfect as you and that I that I can't offer every waking hour of my life to hug my pets, trees or what ever you hug to take care of it in such a perfect way that you do. I would also like to say that I am surprised that PETA members automaticly trash someone when they read a post like my first one. Just for the record I love my tank, anyone in Edmonton who knows me knows I love this hobby, so Thank you for judging me.
Everyone gets their hackles up when PETA is mentioned. It is usually best not to mention a group like them...and I won't be talking about my views regarding PETA.

I am not perfect. I do NOT spend every waking hour of my life hugging my pets, and I don't have any trees (how'd trees get into this anyway?? lol). I do however only have a small amount of pets that I easily have the time to care for (this is why I have small tanks). Whatever may (or may not) be going on in your life, I bet I could easily match or surpass it (sometimes life throws you potholes, sometimes life washes the road right out from under you), and I still don't have any troubles looking after my pets.

I will freely admit that I did the EXACT same thing you did. I neglected my tank to the point of everything dying...when I was 12. I still feel guilty, and that was a loooong time ago. Don't you?
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

Last edited by Myka; 01-23-2008 at 02:28 PM.