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Old 01-22-2008, 06:51 AM
tmbar19 tmbar19 is offline
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Arrow FOR SALE ! 90 gal. aquarium; parting out

Bought most of the equipment last March (2007) but upgraded the lights, heater and protein skimmer in August. Have not been using the tank since October - switched to a Red Sea Max. Our water is very high in iron and the cost of using RO water was too expensive for us to keep a large tank.

LIGHT - Sun TEK light T5 high output 48" has 4 54w.fl. bulbs, 5,000 lumens each. Alum refl. 95% - cool & very energy efficient. New light with bulbs is $400+. Only used for 3 months. Very bright and economical. (new replacement bulbs only $25 each) Has separate switches for actinic/white bulbs so they come on a different times. ($275)
Light stand fits any 48" aquarium, welded out of 1" square steel, powder coated black. Can adjust light height. Cost $150. Would like to sell the Sun Tek Light and stand together, $350.

TIMER - Two power bars and day/night/wave timer (altog.cost $100) used 3 months. Sell for $50.

TANK - 90 gal. will sell with equipment listed. $100

TANK STAND - 48" pine stand with front doors, porcelain knobs and side towel hangers. Shelves under left side, open for sump on right side. Top has been finished with pine & top grade linoleum. Looks very nice!! Sturdy for 200 gal. but fits any 4' tank. $200.

PROTEIN SKIMMER - SOLD! - Euroreef 135 in sump skimmer, used 3 months. Quiet & efficient. Large top cup, easy to pop off & clean. New sells for $400 (inc. tax), will sell for $250.

PUMPS - 2 Seio 820 Superflow (new $150 for both) plus an almost new MaxiJet 1200 ($27). Will sell all three together for $75.

UV STERILIZER - new, $100+, sell for $50.

HEATERS - almost new Visitherm 300w plus Jager 250w. Both work well, one for back-up. Sell tog. for $30.

OVERFLOW & SUMP PUMP - in great shape, $50.

MISC.- 2 lg. cleaning magnets, 30 gal. sump tank, offers.

If you are interested in any parts above, please call me 403-722-3544

Last edited by tmbar19; 01-23-2008 at 07:35 PM. Reason: one item has sold
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