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Old 01-20-2008, 07:49 AM
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Pan Pan is offline
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Everything I have read on pvc bottom tanks says you need to have some highly specialized or at the very least not common tools for bonding the glass and pvc (i think it was ultraviolent lights etc.) The people on RC who have them swear by them, i got a quote from I believe it was AE but shipping was out of my price range. Plus they are fairly new ideas and have not had a chance to "stand the test of time" so to speak. If i could have afforded it i would have done it in a second. As far as an acrylic tank all i know in my less then objectable opinion (only scanning threads, no real research) is i see time and time again people saying they would go glass if they could re-do it. That being said some of the larger "show" reefs on various boards use acrylic. I find these particular people have a certain foresight into their takes most people are lacking, they are very well thought out and the people have to money to do it right. Ie extra acryic for covers when cleaning in tank so no sand moves , specialized cleaning instruments/ideas etc. Not saying us normal folk are lacking in preparedness, just maybe the means...
I once had a Big tank...I now have two Huskies and a coyote

Last edited by Pan; 01-20-2008 at 07:55 AM.
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