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Old 01-20-2008, 12:47 AM
mccrat mccrat is offline
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Location: Airdrie, Alberta
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It's so great to hear about everyone's experiences, I really don't want this thread to be a builder basher though..... so I hope there is no offence to all the builders out there. Everyone is always entilited to their opinion good and bad. I am going to review my specs this weekend and hopefully post what I am thinking of. After I do that, I welcome everyone's feed back. But only on your personal experience would be great. There are good ways and bad ways of doing everything and when it comes to building a large tank its the strength and integrity that is the ultimate cause for concern. Everything else depends on how much work you really want to put into your system.

Having said that, Albert, I know that Brian used an external skimmer and PVC bottom. I am planning on that too. Hoping that I can have the bottom machined for the holes and made from 1" PVC is what I am looking for. When ever I talk to Denis about acrylic or PVC, his comment is "only glass" he comes across as very set in his ways....granted, he has aquaria experience, but I have done a lot of reading over the last year, and I am quite firm on my reasoning, (unless of course someone can convince me other wise without sounding negative and critical). I really can't wait to show you all but I need it more to scale than how I have it....mspaint just doesn't cut it
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