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Old 01-19-2008, 11:09 PM
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justinl justinl is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
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justinl is on a distinguished road

harsh. sorry to hear that. Why were you not minding quite as much? did it's picking at the other fish slow down?

unless Im remembering incorrectly, I believe your sand bed was crushed coral or at least mostly right? and not very deep either? A sand sleeping wrasse really needs a finer substrate like oolitic aragonite and some depth to the bed never hurts either. CC is just too coarse. I think that might be the problem. Is the cleaner wrasse one that dives in the sand when it sleeps or hides?

for example when I had my red coris wrasse, it dive bombed into the sand with some real force. If my sand wasnt oolitic aragonite, Im certain injury would have been inevitable.

It might also just be the kinds of wrasses you get. I know some cleaner wrasses that accept frozen foods (which are rare to begin with) die anyways since they lack the right nutrition that can only be had from parasites. The other wrasse that died was a leopard wrasse right? those guys dont have a very good track record either, so I wouldnt rule these fish out of your system due to luck quite yet.
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